Good, M. The iterative design of a new text editor. In Proc. Human Factors Society 29th Annual Meeting (Baltimore, September 29-October 3, 1985), Santa Monica, CA, Vol. 1, pp. 571-574.
Good, M. The use of logging data in the design of a new text editor. In Proc. CHI ’85 Human Factors in Computing Systems (San Francisco, April 14-18, 1985), ACM, New York, pp. 93-97.
Whiteside, J., Archer, N., Wixon, D. and Good, M. How do people really use text editors? SIGOA Newsletter, 3 (1 & 2), June 1982, pp. 29-40. Proc. SIGOA Conference on Office Information Systems.
Good, M. An ease of use evaluation of an integrated document processing system. In Proc. Human Factors in Computer Systems (Gaithersburg, MD, March 15-17, 1982), ACM, New York, pp. 142-147.
Good, M. Etude and the folklore of user interface design. SIGPLAN Notices, 16 (6), June 1981, pp. 34-43. Proc. SIGPLAN SIGOA Symposium on Text Manipulation.
Hammer, M., Ilson, R., Anderson, T., Gilbert, E., Good, M., Niamir, B., Rosenstein, L. and Schoichet, S. The implementation of Etude, an integrated and interactive document production system. SIGPLAN Notices, 16 (6), June 1981, pp. 137-146. Proc. SIGPLAN SIGOA Symposium on Text Manipulation.
Hammer, M., Ilson, R., Anderson, T., Gilbert, E., Good, M., Niamir, B., Rosenstein, L. and Schoichet, S. Etude: An integrated document processing system. In 1981 Office Automation Conference Digest (Houston, March 23-25, 1981), AFIPS, pp. 209-219.
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